Christine and Rainer Hacker are discovering the „Weinviertel“ for you.
At Hacker wine store, we know where and how our wine grows.
A trip to the right tendrils.
Five years ago, we dared to turn our formerly financially stable lives upside down to spice up our daily routine.
We are still in awe of your own courage.
We made our dream come true by opening a wine store selling Austrian wines and specialties exclusively.

Christine Hacker in Arcanum VEGAN LEATHER PANTS – Weingut Diem Pia Maria
We better know the products we are consuming, or not?
It is of vital importance for us to know the people behind those products.
It is self- explanatory, exciting and informative for us to pay regular visit to our wine-growers.
There are many spectacular wine regions in Austria, however our true love is the „Weinviertel“ in Lower Austria.
Why are we magically drawn to this place?
You will have a hard time finding skywalks and shopping malls there. You can discover magic moments even in places without airports.
The „Weinviertel“ is a dreamy, extensive scenery which does not captivate you with spectacular sensations , but with unbelievable quiet and tranquility.
We believe that the expression „slowed down“ couldn`t be more befitting for the „Weinviertel“ and the people who work there.
This scenery is a treasure chest full of surprises for all gourmets who love the true and the genuine.
Taste the difference of a soulful wine!
Earth well treated produces magic wines!
One of these surprises is the vintner couple of Andrea and Gerald Diem. We are very happy to call these visionary and yet unpretentious folks our friends.
True to the expression „slow food“ they cultivate their vineyards organically and deal with their or rather „our“ soil in a very responsible and respectful manner.
A visit to the Diem couple is always a very special experience for us, as we obtain incredible knowledge about sustainable dealings with nature and organic wine growing.

Christine, VINOTHEK HACKER and Christina in Arcanum vegan leather pants at the Austrian Weinviertel
Only those who can allow themselves to let go and immerse will feel the magic of such people and landscapes.
Our „Weinviertel“ is in Lower Austria.
Surely, you will find „your Weinviertel“ somewhere in your area. You will discover it!
All you need to do to be able to experience mystical beauty and enjoy it is to get yourself into it.

Christine, VINOTHEK HACKER and Christina in Arcanum vegan leather pants at the Austrian Weinviertel
Only the enchanting rituals of daily life make life magic.
We wish you a lot of imagination and exciting, shiny moments when discovering your „Weinviertel“.
If you`d like to find out more about our „Weinviertel“ and the Diems , then send us an e mail.
We will be very happy to answer you and tell you more about HONEST WINES FROM HONEST PEOPLE!
Christine and Rainer
from Hacker Winestore
Leather pants vegan: Arcanum – Black Pants out of stock – NEXT GENERATION OF BLACK LEATHER PANTS AVAILABLE NOV 16TH
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