How To Convert Food Into A Magic Meal!

Christina Vanilla Pearl mit schwarzem Vinyl Lederkleid beim Kochen

Little table, I`ll set you!
Wann put magic on the table?

Tips on how to turn visions into reality

Imagine a magic table cloth.
You can magically fix any kind of treat on it that you wish for.
What do you see?
Which treats make you moan?
Which flavors infatuate you?
Which bites would you immediately want to stick in your mouth?
Close your eyes and envision your own personal culinary fairy tale.
What does it look like?
What does it smell like?
What is happening to you, when you`re sliding those treats into your mouth?
Which colors do you see?
Does the bite taste? Rather fresh and cool or crispy and hot?
Or does it tingle on your tongue like champagne and you`re enjoying tender fish bites with it?
When does your body start tingling?
When do you get simultaneously hot and cold?
When do you begin to tumble, dream, laugh and giggle?
When do you forget about time and space?

A magic dish can enchant you!

Christina - black Vinyl dress cooking - magic cooking in kitchen

It can put you in a state you`ll never forget.
Doesn`t it sound tempting?

Come on, let`s make magic moments!

We are surrounded by culinary treasures, endless treasures. Very often, we just don`t notice them.
Just like when painting, all we need to do is grab hold of a brush and turn our visions into reality.

First step: Imagine your own magic table!

You can draw, you can create, and you can also make culinary magic.

Take a moment and imagine what your magic dish will look like.
I need peace and quiet and a few minutes until my visions become clear.
I take at least 10 minutes time and put a pencil into my hand to jot down everything that crosses my mind.
Try it and you will be astonished about what` s on your sheet of paper.

Take the first step today and write down which kind of dish and table could enchant you.

Christina - black Vinyl dress cooking - magic cooking in kitchen

You can put magic into your dishes with the love and passion for what you’re preparing and with your vision.
This is how you enchant yourself and your loved ones.
Let`s create magic and ecstasize the people around us.
You may not even begin to realize what you`re capable of!
Be the star in your own personal fairy tale!
Create moods and flavors, decorate the table just like in your dream.
Let`s start making magic together!
Take the magic wand into your hand and let the spices rock!
With every baby step your fairy tale will become more and more real!
Why only dream of fairy tales? Why not live them?
Create your own fairy tale now!
We start setting the table bit by bit so that food becomes a fairy tale, exactly the fairy tale you have envisioned.
Watch out for the „6 rules for magic food“ on my blog tomorrow (maybe they`re already there)!
I`m looking forward to creating dream-worlds with you and to live our fairy tale.

Yours truly,

Dress: made by Christina

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