How to make your vision come true.
Take your time to listen to your dreams!
Imagine waking up in the morning with a weird gut feeling.
You have just been dreaming something wonderful, but you can`t quite remember it. Even before you can open your eyes, daily life strikes you in the face. Why? Why can`t I just keep on dreaming and experience colors, moods, smells and feelings I barely encounter in real life?
And yet those dreams are here.
What are dreams, actually?
What are longings?
Do you have yearnings and longings?
Do you know your longings?
Even as a young child I would dream very vividly.
My dreams and all the colors and creatures that appeared in them greatly fascinated me.
At some point I couldn`t memorize all those different impressions altogether and started jotting them down.
This is how a real fairy tale diary arose.
If a small detail reminded me of my dream during the day, I turned all queasy with joy. It seemed to me as if I was somehow in contact with this surreal world in a wonderous way.
I started drawing my dreams. Drawing inspired me to the point that it gave birth to my first designs for my fashion. I drew and implemented my first dream creation at the age of 13.
This world of dreams still follows me today. Sometimes it`s those nocturnal dreams that lift me up and inspire me.
And sometimes it`s the daydreams which make me build castles in the sky.
Lately, I saw a Hundertwasser stairway which was leading directly to heaven.
I walked up that staircase and I was able to get a view of the wonderful world.
When I reached the end of the stairs, I discovered a treasure chest. I opened the chest and found wonderful golden dresses studded with colorful stones.
After I had woken from my dream, I drew every single item of clothing.
Our dreams, desires and visions have no limitations. Sky`s the limit!
We can imagine whatever we want. Why couldn`t we?
What are the desires that lie dormant inside of you?
Which dreams haven`t you fulfilled yet?
Don`t you be too humble! If you don`t have any great wishes, great wishes won`t come true.
Be creative!
Are you longing for more color and spice in your life?
Are you yearning for more excitement?
Mind your dreams! Listen!
Start writing down your longings and dreams today. Writing can make many a hidden thought surface, which so far hasn`t dared to see the light of day. Start with baby steps.
If you have been dressing rather inconspicuously so far and have been dreaming of being a vamp, start with small details. There is no reason why your yearnings shouldn`t see the light of day.
Think about the things you would regret not having done if there was no tomorrow. Envision them precisely.
It is not worth doing things just because we are worried about acting out of character.
Embark on this wonderful journey into the realm of your dreams and desires this very day.
Would you reveal a few of your longings to me? Do you have examples of how you have made them come true? Do you have a piece of advice for us?
If so, please write to me. I thank you for your inspiration. Together, we will give our dreams wings.
Yours truly,