What`s Your Calling?

Christina Striewski Vanillapearl mit schwarzem Lackrock in Porec Istrien Kroatien

The way to yourself

The alarm clock is ringing and I`d  love to just hit the wall with it. Why does it go off so early? Never mind, better not think about it and just get up. Shortly, the scent of coffee will be wafting up to my nose and the world will be a different place.

YUMMIE! So, what`s up for the day? After a few bites of my delicious bread with jam, I start writing my to-do list. Order fabrics, design new pants, answer emails, write blog articles, post pictures, and on and on. A few years back, it was different. I used to be a fulltime mom and had a side job as a stylist in the movie industry. Times change and tasks change. How many tasks do you have? What`s your profession? What`s your calling?

I met a former actress. She`s now a sports therapist. I said: „Oh, you`re an actress!“ She answered: „No, I USED to be an actress, I AM an athlete.“ You are what you do! You are what you are doing!

Nobody gives a flying beep about what was yesterday!

I tend to be amazed whenever I meet people who tell me what they have a degree in. I simply ask them: „What are you doing now?“ The replies vary quite a bit. Some blow up like a peacock and others don`t even realize that they are handling many more tasks than they`re aware of. WOW!

If you regularly write articles or are working on a book, then you`re an author. If you constantly take pictures with a passion all the time, you`re a photographer. No matter whether you studied to be a bank employee and your job is quite a different one. Are you cooking day and night? Then you can call yourself a cook.

Be what you love.

Live your passion and live it every day!

Whatch yourself! What do you do all day long?

When does it start to tingle? There I go again with my 10% rule. Alaways try to improve 10% in what you love to do. At some point, you`ll be an expert in this field. Then you will be able to call yourself a cook, a photographer, a gardener, a professional athlete, a dancer or even a magician. I never stopped sewing clothes. Even when the kids were acting up, there were always those 5 minutes, that half an hour that belonged o my passion. Always….

Watch yourself! Now!!!!! What`s the name of your passion`s profession? Where is that fire burning inside of you? Be crazy!!! The sky`s the limit. You can realize any vision!

Your faith and your perseverance will change the world! You`re changing the world by working on your passion with all due perseverance.

Show that you believe in magic. Then others can follow suit! You know how to make miracles happen step by step.

Let`s sum up:

  1. Be what you love to do!

Work on your vision every day, even if it`s just for a few minutes. 2. Call yourself an author or an athlete, etc., if you always do this activity with all your heart. This means you are. 3. Try to improve just a tad bit. 10% are perfect. If you look back after one year, you will see mad results.

You might be a magician soon…

I`m looking forward to you and your comment…

Yours truly,


Shop the pants:

–black vinyl pants „Breathe“ by Arcanum

-skirts: prototypes made by Vanillapearl, soon to come in my shop

Start your new life with your passion in everything you do
  • RMS says:

    Quite right! I earn my living as a magazine writer and photographer but aspire to write fiction and to make money with my photos as art rather than for a magazine assignment. And I am giving it a go, even got myself an Instagram account for my personal photo projects and am holding the thoughts in my mind that this is what I am, and what I shall do – of course the trick now is getting the rest of the world to agree with me! 🙂 Once again, I love reading your upbeat messages. Always inspiring. Have a great and shiny day!

  • ouanes says:

    merci beaucoup tout plaisir connaissance salutation grand bonheur a honneur invitation a mois j aime cinéma culture voyage touristique saluts

  • Beor says:

    You are an inspiration. Love your blog.