Clarity versus hesitation
The smell of my favorite chocolate infatuates me. Should I first eat the chocolate with almonds or the one with nougat? Almonds or nougat??? Almonds or nougat??? My brain is on fire. I actually prefer almonds, but the creamy nougat just melts in my mouth so wonderfully….
While I`m closing my eyes fully devoted to this difficult problem, my kids are swiftly snatching away all the chocolates and they`re gone.
That`s it. Game over. I hesitated too long. I couldn`t decide. How could this happen?
Mistakes like this happen all the time. Instead of swift and straightforward action, we engage in hesitation and overthinking. We brood until intuition is completely gone. We don`t trust it any more. We become insecure.
I somehow got over the chocolate theft dilemma, but what if we miss out on bigger deals?
The purchase of a house, sealing a contract deal, a response to a marriage proposal….and while she was still pondering yes or no, he was long gone.
If you hesitate too long, your prey is gone. A bird of prey never hesitates when hunting fish in the water.
Here are my 3 go to strategies of reaching a clear and convinced attitude, which results in quick action:
1.Deal with the issue intensively. I actually have known to prefer almonds over nougat since I was a little child. Damn.
We had planned on buying a house in Croatia. For 2,5 years, I studied the whole real eastate market of Croatia. Only in doing so was I able to have a clear impression of the real estate situation. By researching, we found out more and more what we were looking for and what not and what options there were. Study your issue thoroughly. The more of an expert you are, the more you can trust your intuition later.
2.Practise taking quick decisions . An ideal way is chosing a dish on the menu of a restaurant. We all know the feeling of being spoilt rotten for choice. Don`t overthink, trust your gut feeling, it never fails. Never hesitate with chocolates. That could be dangerous. Unfortunately, we still have to wait a while to be able to go back out. So let`s practise chosing the right shiny outfit . Or chosing what to cook, which book to read or how to best get on our roomates nerves. There are many, many ways to take quick decisions.
3.Fully trust your intuition. You`re an expert in your field. Your gut will do the rest.
By now, I`m an expert with all sorts of chocolates. Nobody will steal nougat from me ever again.
Stay unique and shiny
Yours truly,
Black vinyl pants by Arcanum
Intuition! That is always a key to great decisions.
Just have to learn to trust it!
Thank you very much for your comment,
My philosophy – life’s uncertain. Eat dessert first!
You are so right!