Have you ever dreamed about breaking the rules?
How about starting in the kitchen?
Confused or convinced? Just try Guacamole with Falafel – DELICIOUS!
There are no rules when it comes to cooking – except that the result should be tasty.
No chef is Mr. Know-it-all. You are right if it`s delicious.
Why not match the Orient with Mexico? Tortillas are called Tschapati in Pakistan and I found countless recipes for guacamole. And when I was getting busy in the kitchen, I felt like combining falafel and tortillas with Indian cucumber raita.
Don`t be scared to experiment. Even if you fail and everything goes down the drain, you still can eat the experiments.
Do you enjoy discovering new flavors and aromas?
Are you excited about new palatal pleasures?
I live for it and it`s so easy to experiment a little every day. I just take a whiff of the spices and imagine how cumin and harissa could go together in guacamole and here we go- it`s delicious!
Just try the new VanillaPearl combination of Orient meets Mexico!
Maybe you`d like to try out a new version? I`d be so happy to hear about your endeavors and experiences!
Let`s enjoy experimenting with sensual creations together – in food and fashion!
The recipes for Orient meets Mexico
Tortillas with Guacamole, Falafel and Cucumber Raita.
Let’ s start off with the tortillas, very simple!
250g wheat flour plus some for rolling
250g boiling water
½ tsp salt or to taste
Mix flour and salt in a bowl. Add boiling water and stir. Let set for a few seconds, then knead dough with your hands until pliable. Divide to 6 portions and roll forming balls. Roll into tortillas and cook shortly in a Teflon pan on each side without adding any grease. Put on a plate and cover with a clean dish towel to keep moist.
I have no recipe for this, I will just tell you my favorite way of doing it.
2 ripe avocados
cayenne pepper, cumin, harissa, salt and lots of pepper to taste
chopped fresh cilantro (works best) or sub parsley or basil
onion, a clove of garlic
olive oil
a few capers
½ cup of lemon or lime juice (freshly squeezed)
Mash the avocados with a fork and add all other ingredients. Adjust spices according to your taste. The lemon juice does not only enhance the citrusy tang of the dip but also prevents oxidation.
Falafel (Lebanese version, modified by Vanillapearl)
250g chickpeas (preferably from glass, otherwise use dried chickpeas soaked in water for 24 hrs)
3 mushrooms
2 tomatoes (on the vine)
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 small bunch of parsley
1 chili or some harissa
1 egg
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil
Mix the chickpeas with the chopped onions and the other ingredients. Add the egg and the olive oil and mash into a dough with the consistency of mashed potatoes. Add the breadcrumbs until you have a pliable dough. Form into small balls the size of a golfball. Preheat oven to 180. Sear falafel in the pan in oil. Transfer to the oven and continue cooking until done.
This goes perfectly with a cucumber raita.
Just mix full fat yogurt with some olive oil, finely chopped cucumber, chopped onion, cumin and salt and pepper to taste. Add a pinch of curry if you like.
Enjoy the tortillas with guacamole and the falafel with the raita, or vice versa. Just experiment and see what works best for you. Enjoy your friends` glances as you serve them the food. I bet they have never eaten a combination/fusion food like this!
PLEEEAAASE tell me your experience with this recipe!
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Christina is fashion designer of ARCANUM
You are women sexy. Very much sexy leather and latex pants.